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Community Collaboration

Ongoing and strategic efforts between community-based services and court-based services that ensure families and individuals have access to a robust continuum of care.

Family-Centered Fridays

Upstream (March 2024)

This Family-Centered Fridays webinar features Upstream, our court-led, community-based approach aimed at enhancing community collaboration through state and local coordination, resource and process mapping, and action planning. Upstream aims to strengthen communities, prevent child maltreatment and out-of-home placement, reduce court involvement, and support safe and healthy families. The webinar provides an overview of the Upstream approach, and panelists Judge Anne Paine, 11th Judicial District, Nebraska, and Deb VanDyke-Ries, Director, Nebraska Court Improvement Project, describe their experiences participating in a community mapping workshop.

Community Collaboration and the Court: Resource Fairs (April 2023)

Assistant County Attorney and Juvenile Prosecutor Hillary Lantrip Croft leads a discussion on community collaboration. Croft shares how prosecutors, court staff, and community stakeholders can collaborate in serving justice beyond the courtroom by recognizing the barriers families are facing and acting as the “connector” to the resources they need. She details how her community has done this by putting together job expos, expungement clinics, and resource fairs to help individuals “bridge the gap” and offer them opportunities to succeed.


Back to School: How Courts & Schools Can Collaborate (September 2023)

In this installment of the Family-Centered Fridays webinar series, NCSC Principal Court Consultant Teri Deal explored the potential of partnerships between schools and courts to support Family-Centered Justice. Schools and courts serve the same families and work toward common goals. Discover how collaboration between these social institutions can create a ripple effect that helps families and communities thrive.
