Case Studies

Caribbean Court of  Justice Implementing Member of the ICCE
(Caribbean Courts of Justice)
The Journey to Court Excellence via IFCE & ICCE Membership
(Judiciary of Jamaica)
Court Excellence of Calang District Court
(Calang District Court)
CEPEJ checklist

Checklist for Promoting
the Quality of Justice
and the Courts
European Commission
for Efficiency of Justice

Evaluation of the Quality
of Adjudication in Courts
of Law

Consultative Council
of European Judges (CCJE)

How to Assess Quality
in the Courts?
Court of Appeal
of Rovaniemi, Finland


Quality of Judicial Decisions (Opinion No. 11)
Consultative Council
of European Judges (CCJE)

Quality of the Judicial System in the Netherlands
Netherlands Council
for the Judiciary

Medium-Term Strategic Framework
Department of Justice, Republic of South Africa


Reforming Mediterranean Civil Procedure
by A. Uzelac

Judicial Reform Index
for Serbia

American Bar Association

Implementing the IFCE as a "Holistic" Means for Achieving Excellence

The Supreme Court of Victoria


Assessing the Need for Judges and Support Staffby Victor Flango & Brian Ostrom

State Court Guide to Statistical Reporting
managed by Brian Ostrom & Carol Flango

Trial Courts and Organizations
by Brian Ostrom et al


Towards Greater Organisational Excellence
the State Courts of Singapore

Family Court and Federal Circuit Court - Court Users Satisfaction Survey (2015)

Federal Circuit Court of Australia - Report on Implementation (2013-2016)


Family Court of Australia - Report on Implementation (2013-2016)

Family Court and Federal Circuit Court - CEO Report on Implementation (2013-2016)

Federal Circuit Court of Australia - Court Excellence Self-Assessment Questionnaire

The International Framework for Court Excellence and Therapeutic Jurisprudence: Creating Excellent Courts and Enhancing - By E. Richardson, P. Spencer and D. WexlerCourt Excellence of District Court Batulicin, South Kalimantan, Indonesia 2016Klaten District Court IFCE Implementation Summary, 2018

Judicial Integrity Champions - Second Network Meeting, Indonesia 2019 Achieving High Performance: A Framework for Courts - Turkish Translation, NCSC/Turkey 2021

The Use, Modification and Impact of
the International Framework for Court Excellence, by Dr. Liz Richardson (2017)

Additional Resources